Monday, October 31, 2011


Halloween afternoon, Parker & I headed down to downtown Edmonds to go Trick-or-Treating with some friends from Church.  We ended up seeing about half the church, not to mention about a dozen people I went to High School with.

Parker was (again) pretty overwhelmed and not too sure what to make of things.

This is Parker's friend Emi, she (and her Mama) were dressed up as the cutest Bumble Bees.

Parker got his first taste of doughnuts, and then he started enjoying the evening a little more.

This is our friend's little guy, Isaac.  At the moment, Parker is close with Isaac's big sister Emily, but give it a few years & these two are going to be tight.

Recognize his costume?

Hard to believe Parker was ever that little.

1 comment:

  1. Cute photos! I asked Parker on Tues what he was for Halloween. He simply gave me a goofy grin! :)
